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Coffee Shop

    This building, where New Life Christian Bookstore now does business, was built in the early 1880's. Due to the natural water springs behind the building on this side of the court square the facility and grounds were mainly used as the parking lot  to customers and travelers of the 1800's as so the people and horses could get water and rest.

    In 1925 the building was renovated and bricked by a man named Turner who opened a new kind of business, the "Ready to Wear" clothing store. Selling clothes ready to wear compared to having to make them your self was a hot ticket item in the early 1900's. In fact as time went on, around the late 1930's another clothing store that was more of a national chain for those days moved in the upstairs while Turner's Ready to Wear continued business downstairs

    During the 20th century there were devastating fires on the square causing most of the buildings to be destroyed and rebuild. Fortunately this building was not damaged and is still lavishing its original decor and charm.
